Q 1: Does The Anchorage Waterfront Retreat have a pool?
A: Yes, this hotel has a pool. Find out the details about the pool and other facilities on this page.
Q 2: How far is The Anchorage Waterfront Retreat from the centre of Castle Forbes Bay?
A: The Anchorage Waterfront Retreat is 1.5 km from the centre of Castle Forbes Bay.
Q 3: Is The Anchorage Waterfront Retreat popular with families?
A: Yes, The Anchorage Waterfront Retreat is popular with guests booking family stays.
Q 4: Does The Anchorage Waterfront Retreat have a balcony? Waterfront Retreat on this page.
A: Yes, there are options at this property that have a balcony. You can find out more about this and the other facilities at The Anchorage Waterfront Retreat on this page.
Q 5: Does The Anchorage Waterfront Retreat have a terrace?
A: Yes, there are options at this property that have a terrace. You can find out more about this and the other facilities at The Anchorage Waterfront Retreat on this page.